Wednesday 2 November 2011

Woman’s Weekly celebrates 100 years

Woman’s Weekly celebrates its 100th birthday issue. First launched on 4 November 1911, with a cover price of 1d (one old penny), the magazine is celebrating with a 132-page bumper issue, complete with special-occasion content which includes the very first edition of Woman’s Weekly from 1911 reprinted in its entirety.

Woman’s Weekly editor Diane Kenwood says: “When she launched the magazine, my original predecessor set out a clear vision which stated: ‘I say frankly that the women of Mayfair and the lady who lives in the castle are not catered for in this paper. But the women who lives in the villa or the cottage, in a large house or a small house, the woman who rules the destines of the home, is going to be helped in her life, her work and her recreation by this journal’. Remaining faithful to this original blueprint has been the core principle of the magazine for the past 100 years and is, I firmly believe, the reason why it remains the number one best seller in its market."

Source: Diary Directory

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