Thursday, 5 September 2013

Madame Allsorts Immaculate Conception T-Shirt designed to mark the arrival of Simon Cowell's baby boy

It has been reported that media mogul Simon Cowell's first child is going to be a baby boy. As news of the baby's sex spreads around the world British Fashion Designer Madame Allsorts has unveiled her latest creation, the "Immaculate Conception T-Shirt".

The t-shirt which casts a shadow on the most over exposed pregnancy since the birth of Prince George features a Simon Cowell doll holding his new born son, who just so happens to be his hottest protege Harry Styles. The design set in a nativity stable also features a guest appearance from Sinitta, naturall dressed in her ever appropriate palm leaf bikini!

Madame Allsorts new design is a Limited Edition which can be purchased online from today. The collection also features an oversized jumper and wall canvas for those with more reserved clothing tastes.


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