Sunday 25 August 2013

Marc Cain @ Panorama Berlin

This is a late blog for me but last month The clotheshorse went on tour which you will be seeing alot of me working more and more overseas and travelling more... you will be able to see me, my travels, what I'm attending and what I'm up to via my Social media platforms ... ie twitter, tumblr, Facebook and Instagram ...

I flew over especially for the Marc Cain show which Ive already featured so check that out... also the Tiger of Sweden Launch party, The Sinstar Party ( love love love Sinstar) and to attend Panorama Berlin .... Panorama Berlin is basically an Exhibition of what Germany has to offer which runs alongside Mercedes Benz Berlin Fashion week ... below is a video of what Marc Cain got up to at Panorama so please check it out ....

If you receive this via the newsletter and cant see as the video is only available on certain smart phones and tablets please follow this link ....


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