Sunday, 5 May 2013


Normally with fashion my personal style is quite straight laced ... You can't go wrong with preppy/dandy with biker dude sometimes thrown in ... But when I'm styling it varies and depends in the client. What I'm trying to say the more fur the better, the more glitter the better, the more feathers the better ... Even if its it bells on I'm feeling it .... Which brings me to this ostrich feather coat from Saint Laurent .... For editorials it's perfect and personally I think that's where it should stay on the pages of editorials .... There's just something maybe it's the black and white chevron skunk like look im not feeling but for me personally I don't think it warrants the £19,740 price tag... When did fashion get so expensive? I don't mine laying the price if its a piece that will last and become a collectors piece, sadly I don't think this will be either

What are your thoughts?

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