Oh those were the days when I was an ambassador for John Smedley then it became about how Instagram Folllowers you have
Lucky I'm not Stooooooopid ........ The Guy I used to deal with .... shame on me I cannot remember his name but he would be a good witness in saying I used to help push the knitwear ...... Times have changed and I'm over it I'm no longer a Socialite and anyone who says they are lol ..... the word is dead ........
Amongst gilded gold chairs, silk table cloths, crystals and candles, Tippi Hedren holds the attention of her young visitors as she practices the arts of palmistry and crystal ball reading.
Creative Director: Alessandro Michele
Art Director: Christopher Simmonds
Photographer and Director: Colin Dodgson
Music: “Intro”
Written by Emma Davies
Performed by E.M.M.A
I'm always going on about don't believe what you see on Instagram because I have faced the facts it's lead to suicides and a lot of robbery .... My Instagram shows lots of designer clothes and Louboutin shoes till the cows come home I have so many pairs and one pair of feet ..... but guess what a lot of the time I'm not really happy and years ago when I felt like this I would just go and buy more must have stuff but these days it doesn't help ......
Don't worry about the latest £700 T shirt just worry about making yourself happy and doing this does not cost a penny ..... I've met so many homeless people who are happy and have nothing and I've got many rich friends because of the circles I move in and they are so unhappy and with me saying this to them I have lost a lot of friends one even introduced me as their drug dealer ....
I pray for them .... I'm just thriving to be happy .....