Thursday 25 September 2014

"Draw Me To Safety" with Stella McCartney and War Child




 Today marks the beginning of the global project @Draw Me To Safety’ with fashion designer Stella McCartney  and charity War Child UK using young people’s  creativity to raise awareness and provide support to some of the most vulnerable children living in conflict zones around the  world.

The ‘Draw me to Safety’ art project was first launched in London with the UN Special Envoy, Angelina Jolie, on the 10th June. Its aim is to use art created by children from across the UK and conflict affected countries to promote messages about what the concept of safety means to different children today.

Stella McCartney commented: “This project is about young people standing with children affected by conflict. Children see the world with clarity and honesty. War Child UK and I are excited to share their insights through art that will raise awareness and encourage the world to do more to protect children from war.”

Today marks the beginning of the project inviting artwork entries from children aged eight to fifteen across the UK answering the question ‘What makes you feel safe?’  Stella McCartney will then create a T-shirt inspired by children’s drawings with proceeds going directly to War Child UK. The T-shirt will be available in Spring 2015 in all Stella McCartney stores worldwide.

Rob Williams OBE, Chief Executive of War Child UK added: “There are children across the world who don’t know what safety means because all they have ever seen is conflict. Draw me to Safety is about the power of children’s voices to talk directly to the world. We are very grateful to Stella McCartney for her response to these voices and her support to help make safety a closer reality for children in war.”

Poline Akello, a War Child UK young ambassador from Northern Uganda who was a survivor of sexual violence following abduction into sexual slavery aged twelve, commented on the project:  “We need to provide a safe environment for children.  We need to respect children’s rights, treat them fairly and provide education – let education be the first priority for helping children in conflict.”

Entries can be submitted from today until the 31st October via post to:

War Child UK - Draw Me to Safety

 Linton House

39-51 Highgate road




An online gallery will display the images, illuminating the juxtaposition and similarities between children in the UK:

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