Thursday 13 February 2014


It's upon us again and tickets are rolling out for London Fashion week ... let the games begin literally ... PR's are strange folk they hook there friends up first, then other PR's and then press get the dribs and drabs tickets what are left ....

Im press, Im a blogger and Im a stylist .... I offer lots of coverage, instant fashion news and anything else that takes my fancy ... thats the whole idea of a blog  RIGHT? I have over 400 reader and Brand comments saying Im doing a good job! ... it has always been my goal to get it posted before credible online  publications such as GQ and Vogue get it posted ... 90% off the time I do!

Now for me enough is enoughI always support PR's and British brands, other bloggers etc ... but now I have to ask the question ... who's supporting me? well to answer that no one.... I find I'm doing much better overseas than I am in my chosen home but it's now going against me...

Fashion to me is more than standing in the mirror taking some second rate picture of myself wearing the latest Primark collection but this seems the way the UK is going ....the coverage during fashion week I offer is galleries for your viewing pleasure and for my styling reference.. even though Ive been know to jump on planes to go overseas to pick up samples because in the UK im offered more excuses than a convict going to jail... I also review and or describe the collections presented and this is all done in a timely fashion.. who wants to know about certain collections three months after the show ...

The coverage so far for AW 14 (New York so far) has been galleries and all the above mentioned .... now for the UK I will only be reporting on shows Ive been invited to so I can do proper indepth reviews and where possible use my own pictures... 

Normal service will resume for Milan fashion week when I get back to fast and furious posting ... it's a shame its come to this but the line has to be drawn some where ...

think about it ... Bryan Boy does not come to the UK why? I know why its the shade that thrown at some of us ... The UK has a way of building up people they want to build up and im mentioning no names but else where around the world its done by merit and the amount of support you offer to brands...

So from now on I will be like my mate Bryan Boy and just support those who support me ... you scratch my back and I will scratch yours ....

This for me should hopefully work out better as I will be invoicing more often becuse I will no longer allow myself and my VAST readership and 14k daily subscribers to my newsletter be used 

Happy London Fashion Week!

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