Sunday 23 June 2013


For the last couple of seasons .... Versace have taken it back it basics with their collection and they have mirrored collection the late great Gianni Versace would be proud of .... that's what I've always thought of Donatella and her collection since she became chief ... but the last couple of collection I've loved as the stuff showned Ive already go them in my wardrobe ....  now I tip my hat to the lady ... new prints, hints of signature Medusa and new and exciting prints.. she is bring sexy back with the the new pieces we see the underwear gladiator thing in SS 13 and aw 13 but now with these pieces just looking at them she owns it ... let me know if I'm right .... the prints are more bold and fresher than before ... prints from previous collections because I'm old and been in fashion for so long I feel Ive seen them before these when i saw them come out today my thoughts were shine bright like a diamond .. to use to Rihanna song ...

excellent bello bello ... Love it ... well donr Donatella we have a collection here .. Ive not said that about a Versace collection in a couple of years but I'm saying it now ... Milan you are floating my boat...

Gianni would be so proud .... btw and a question ... whatever happend to Santos??? (the other brother)

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