Sunday 24 March 2019


For men there is no question about this ........ you have to be wearing Dior or Fendi and thank god I have been can afford to and have many pieces in my wardrobe.....

Now although I love what's going on at Dior and want more pieces I have this thing.... the older you get the more you respect money and things like going out and entertaining your hanger ons is no longer in the budget 

Years ago clothing and annual salaries kind of matched and even if you worked in say a supermarket which there's nothing wrong with this (my first job was in Sainsbury's and I ended up marrying one of the family) but you could save up and splurge on a piece to treat yourself and be part of the movement 

These two pieces I want and need but finding it hard to buy even though most of my current wardrobe consists of t shirts and sweatshirts which have an average price of £500 ..... things are getting real expensive and wages are not moving with that and that's why everyone wants to be famous.....  

Ok enough rambling but my point is please do save up and treat yourself but be wise with your purchases 

Check these out HERE  my current musts the t shirt is £460 and sweatshirt £700 like I said be wise with your purchases but are these not gorgeous???? 

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