Today's shoes are from my favourite and most days ok everyday of you check out my INSTAGRAM you can see me wearing a pair of Christian Louboutin shoe, loafer or sneaker.....
Now these are the Roadie boats in oatmeal ..... everyone has a pair of suede of boots and ok .... I have these already and they are one comfortable and go with everything ......
I give you the Christian Louboutin Roadie boots ... once again check out my Instagram and you will see me wearing them ......
There are so many shoes from Christian Louboutin I have..... and there are so many shoes from Christian Louboutin I still want (greedy) ... I remember a few years ago I was invited to the Christian Louboutin book signing and the man himself had these shoes on and at the time I could not even afford to buy the book or even a coca cola ...... things have changed a bit and I am keeping to my word which was having a pair of red soles to wear everyday non stop for a month in a row and I'm there but not there but nearly there ..... and when I saw the man himself wearing these I promised myself I would one day own a pair of these ...... they are the Tasselissimo veau Velours .... at that time they were not on sale they were his shoes and now they are available and they are on my ever growing lust list
I've put the soles of the shoes first .... because you have to own a pair to know how to treat a pair ..... They need love and need to be looked after .... with a pair of these coveted red soles .... you dress from the shoes upwards and always check the weather report .....
This track is amazing and so is the album! as an hardened fan some of the releases I thought . mmmm... but I love her music but now we have her back .... the real chick we like!!!
check out the album Caution which is now available to buy and download ....
Yes it's a thing Mexcico Fashion Week!!!!! it's a thing and I am embracing it and will report as promised from every fashion week around the world ..... this is the real talent not the big fashion houses which everyone lusts after .... can't afford, and those who can afford like myself should know better !!! I am no longer sponsored by brands as I am too vocal and they can't handle the truth .... I really don't accept gifts from brands especially who had substance and no longer have it .... if I do take a gifting it's because they believe in me and I believe in their brand.... this is what's sad when I see influencers selling out .... we all can see but turn a blind eye to it with "influencers" who buy followers, then sell out to brands such as Primark, ........
I buy all my clothes which gives me the freedom to speak and say what I think! ask yourself how many influencers are influencers full time ? I will leave that thought with you and this .... Google is the best place to start investigating !!!!
I absolutely love Sophia Kah ... I used to use her brand alot for styling ..... amazing dresses ... and will start to do so again ..... we got worldwide coverage with some of her dresses ..... even President Obama saw my clients singing in her dresses!
Check out my styling page and press page which I know I have to update ......