
Tuesday 20 October 2020


For  fall nothing beats a tailored suit and we are conditioned that suits should be grey, black or navy especially in the work place but try and be a bit bolder with patterned suits checks such as the window pane for the office...

What I wanted to talk about was coloured suits don’t ever be afraid of trying these out but of course have at least one sold colour suit and then start buying and experimenting with colours. With a coloured suit you will get more out of it and more value for wear, they are so versatile you can formalise them or use them for loose tailoring outfits with t shirts and sneakers ... as pictured on myself above. My favourite place which does amazing value and well,tailored suits is Ben Sherman ..... how do I know this I was once a tailoring specialist with them so I know what I’m talking about ... of recent years their style has changes a little but they are still making amazing suits and check out the deal they have at the moment ... buy one suit get another for a quid that’s a dollar to my American readers as I know I’m mainly geared up for the us market but this deal is available online and worldwide ... so check it out 


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