
Tuesday 3 December 2019

Today's shoes are from Christian Louboutin and are a classic pair of shoes that will last you for years if like I always say .... if you look after them they will look after you.... they are a classic and will last you season after season ... looks amazing if you wear all black with these shoes and if you want to go casual with jeans these will be your best friend....

Check them out HERE  priced T £545

I was critised for posting shoes especially Louboutin shoes but if you go shop on the high street and buy a pair for say £200 from say Ted Baker for £200 they come with man made soles (plastic) you end up with fungy on your feet and they don't last long which actually happened to me.

That's why I recommend buying a great pair of shoes and they will last ..... I've been wearing Louboutin for years and leather soles can test you sometimes but these shoes are made for car to curb and curb to car

I've been slated because I have a different budget to a lot of people .... technically I don't as a stylist I buy quality why but costs  bit more but will end up cheaper in the end ....

Don't be mean treat yourself  ....... if they are not from Louboutin don't buy them as that defeats the game!!!

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