
Saturday 6 April 2019


Influencers vs bloggers that's the big question????  Blogging started 2008/2009 and as they say it's the savvy Asians (I'm not being racist or prejudice) who jumped on it first.....

I never knew anything about blogging or even online activity until a friend of mine who knew me and told me about it and suggested I should start one.... that was early 2009 and by September 2009 I was sitting front row next to celebrity.  Roll on a few years I'm still sitting front row and any party myself and a couple of other friends who were also savvy were on the list for the hottest parties in London and were always on the list and a party would not be the same without us especially with the likes of me who did live blogging ..... this means whilst I was at the party I would blog and post and my feature was live hours before the likes of vogue etc so I became a useful tool 

Fast forward a few years and the birth of the influencers who actually try and take down the original bloggers, buy fake followers and have turned the fashion industry upside down especially in the uk I say that because in places like Asia and the US you can still earn a living from blogging but not so much in London and unfortunately Europe as influencers powers are spreading and not really offering any sort of press..... I always thought press is what it's all about but these new job titles i.e. Influencer talent manager etc they are just going on followers 

I can talk on this subject for days but here's an example 

Influencer has a full time job and in a lot of cases nothing to do with fashion.... shower them with anything free they will post it and not generate any press but the PR get out of jail card is they have X amount of followers..... now give it a couple of weeks or a month if you're lucky they will delete their posts 

A blogger such as myself in a lot of cases will post for free or discounted and it's on google, bing and like me syndicated around the world and you can always do a search just like Vogue etc who have online blogs etc (but also deletes) but like me oif you do a google search my articles will come up and hand on my heart sometimes ranking higher than Vogue 

Is blogging dead??????  No but they and there's a lot of they's trying to kill it.... I know a lot of the big bloggers who have now just given up and trying something new one even works in Zara and used to have the world at her feet 

PR's no longer wants to deal with us because we do what they used to love...... TELL THE TRUTH!!!

Thank goodness for TV and Europe and being smart with the money I earned when there was money in fashion 

Influencers go on about their shoots on Instagram but I don't see any magazine spreads or covers .... things I do and they go on about making appearances at parties and I see them begging paparazzi to take pictures of them and even paying for the pleasure...... they've been snapping me since the 90s and those parties when I do attend which isn't often these days as I don't want to be around this fake world..... I pick and choose what to attend and my name shit to some as they trash me....

I get paid to the same party they brag about making an "appearance" 

Do you think blogging and bloggers are over???? Please let me know your thoughts....

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