
Friday 19 April 2019


This really is a case of a first world problem......  I've featured these sneakers before and I was scared to buy them because I put them down to being a glorified pair of converse...... they are the ultimate men's must haves but it's the price..... price has never scared me but the older I get the more I try to be sensible or if I'm honest buy wiser....

I neeeeeeeeeeeeed! These and they start a£680 and go up to around £770 and to make matters worse Dior now do them in black which is more appealing to me as after buying a white pair of Mcqueen sneakers I promised I would never buy whit but they look amazing in white and that's the colour everyone has gone for so I want to go for the black but unsure 

So here we go you know how to contact me and you can also use the comments box which I know is a pain but your feedback is much needed as to what colour I should go for 


Check them out HERE

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