
Friday 8 February 2019

Winnie Harlow for Byblos SS 19 AD campaign

Yes I'm a judge on top model and part of the Top Model family which is slowly dying.....  I had some personal problems last year and I will not be featured on this years show which is showing somewhere around the world as we speak 

Enough rambling........ Winnie was discovered on Top Model apparently...... after I joined 5 years ago I rarely watch the show......... but her manager did and asked if I wanted to meet her, I explained I was leaving and he said quickly as it would be good and we can possibly work together if my show wanted to feature her 

I won't get into it but she was unbelievably rude and I actually walked away from her 

I have since seen her and she has said hello but I'm not interested........ I was around before her and I'm sure I'll be around after her but I wish her the best of luck with her career 

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