
Tuesday 29 January 2019

Naomi Campbell covers Vogue UK March 2019

I'm so happy to see Naomi grace the cover of British Vogue..... if it wasn't for her I would have given up modelling years ago..... I was so embarrassed about my modelling career that I never mentioned it to my closet friends but now I embrace it and it's amazing the jobs I get booked for and even optioned for 

Now here's the downside in my opinion British Vogue has become a friend of a friend situation where as I thought when using the black card we would see more talent especially black because I know it's hard but I thought we would see more talent from all races especially in a time when agencies and clients... big clients only want to book young white teens especially under 16 to walk shows 

If British Vogue see this and I know they will as I rank on the same level on google search they will put young talent especially white but it's going to be a celebrity kid etc .... it's all about friend of a friend 

If I'm wrong please pull me up on this and if I'm right please don't be shy to say so...... if you think these big brands and publications think anything about you you're wrong 

Comment box is all yours and please do use it 

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