
Tuesday 25 September 2018

REVIEW - WATCH IT NOW - Gucci SS 2019 Women's #MFW

Maybe I'm getting old but fashion is really .... really ...... changing a lot .... archives are being ripped off...... not only from the brands archives but from other brands archives and it's getting all acceptable now I mainly wear Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana and I am perplexed now as to where I'm going to buy clothing from as brands are hinting they are making clothes for the young IE milennials the same people who can't afford the clothing and leaving out the older 30 and 40 somethings and now the clothing from collections offered is mainly seasonal clothing where as 5 to 10 years ago there was always seasonal pieces but they concentrated on classic pieces ... Gucci do this with for example their Gucci Princetown slippers but will they go in "balls deep" and make everything seasonal? Listen I'm a realist and to make money an all seasonal piece collection earns money especially with fashion victims but is it the recipe for disaster and will it backfire?

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