
Tuesday 21 August 2018

True Religion FW 18/19 AD Campaign

I have no words ... but Hollywood actors, actresses and socialites are churning out kids as quick as possible and even adopting kids ... older ones because everyone wants a supermodel daughter or son ... OK not so much son but believe me in my day I was labelled a male supermodel and so was Cameroon, Jamal and a few others but they have given up the fight ..... come on people we can't be that stupid look at who is being labelled a supermodel these days ..... look!!! .... you or your beautiful friend or cousin don't stand a chance ...... I guessing I will loose a whole lot of followers as usual for speaking the truth but when you are in your late 30's early 40's and still renting and only have clothes what these people have brainwashed you to buy you will get it .... they are lazy and taking away opportunities ordinary people use to get .... no one scouts the streets anymore they just scout Hollywood ...

I'm not bitter.... I'm still signed and I do a few campaigns every season and get paid well I am actually on your side even though I have lost over 10k Instagram followers for telling the truth and I always say leave the new generation to their own devices but I still see myself coming back here defending you without you realising ...... but this is my last attempt .... I'm done!!!

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