
Thursday 17 May 2018


I'm always going on about don't believe what you see on Instagram because I have faced the facts it's lead to suicides and a lot of robbery .... My Instagram shows lots of designer clothes and Louboutin shoes till the cows come home I have so many pairs and one pair of feet ..... but guess what a lot of the time I'm not really happy and years ago when I felt like this I would just go and buy more must have stuff but these days it doesn't help ......

Don't worry about the latest £700 T shirt just worry about making yourself happy and doing this does not cost a penny ..... I've met so many homeless people who are happy and have nothing and I've got many rich friends because of the circles I move in and they are so unhappy and with me saying this to them I have lost a lot of friends one even introduced me as their drug dealer ....

I pray for them .... I'm just thriving to be happy .....

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