
Monday 2 April 2018

YOUR THOUGHTS - Vogue UK May 2018 Cover

I've seen this cover all over Instagram ..... What are your thoughts? ..... I as always am going to get myself in trouble as always I think speaking the truth always sets you free..... Have you been following the Individuals separately on Instagram? Have you seen and properly looked at the covers since Black nation have taken over? I was so excited when Eddie and his gang took over and for me so far it's an epic fail ..... They spoke of white privilege and I was like Yes Yes!!!! but they have introduced black privilege and you have to be in our gang syndrome ..... they have managed to introduce black privilege (Is there such a thing? yes there is long story) ... they use the same models etc I thought they would elevate more black faces who are hot but they are using the same black faces who "they believe" are hot and who were already endorsed by "white privilege" I can name a few black up and coming models, stylists, creative directors and no I'm not being bitter because I realise I'm too old for the fashion game now especially in the UK but there is some real talent out there white and black who they could use and give a break ... this is and was my thing always but I got accused of spreading negativity so these days I just keep my mouth shut ..... ok you have done 3 covers now and people are still excited why I don't know as I'm bored but maybe you think the world is now leaving you to your own devices but believe me the world is still watching you and on that note I'm going to leave it there so I don't get myself in anymore trouble ..... but remember your crew and how they got scouted .... this doesn't happen anymore and I really thought you would start to change this and elevate not only black models but white models and in fact anyone with talent not rich celebrity kids who are looking for something to do until their parents die and they get the nest .... I was scouted in Sainsbury's 24 years I have done ok but could have done better and I didn't close the door behind me I advocated for talent and I got beat down ....... I've done some big shows and reached my goals but in today's money I got robbed and it doesn't matter now people writing about me and branding me an ageing male supermodel .... The models you use are apparently supermodels and I know they are not but you need to have celebrity friends so when you leave your posts its easier to get something new .......

I have celebrity friends but lost alot when I started telling the truth and realized my tongue was actually pink and not brown ......


  1. Amazing and spot on as always! And I too found myself in trouble espousing many of the exact same things that you are still fearlessly saying out loud and in print even! Which incidentally gets one in even more trouble as it is so much harder to delete,backtrack or even to explain to those who choose not to hear, which is why we get in trouble in the first place. And whilst I understand that I will never FEEL completely what it is, I DO try and understand and get the idea of privilege; Because whilst growing up in the US,I also naively believed the UK to be SO much different,(it IS, but still has its own issues still occurring), but my opinion was quickly redirected and that was due to you. Your genuine openness to explain some things to me without judging, ignoring, chiding or accusing me of blindness, and therfore still a part of what privilege vs racism is. You were happy to teach, explain,and share. Without people like you, who would rather educate the "ignorant" instead of automatically labeling us as "stupid", which is for ever", conversations that need to be had will disappear, to all of our determent. That said, this old lady has embraced your teaching and have shared as much of it as possible, openly and across every forum I happen to participate in debate/discussions on. Because you are right, and I also see it across everything from race, nationality, religion, gender,culture and creed. Until people even TRY to understand what the issues are, then try to participate in finding solutions, by ignoring or denying,they are still just as much a part of the problem. Yes, I too cheered when the new leadership for Vogue UK came on board, just as much as I cheered when we made Obama president. And it was not as simple as hoping for changes to a 'race' issue, it went so much further and deeper. So whilst I will consider Obama one of our best presidents ever, as a lot of his work was pushed through in spite of having BOTH hands (house & Senate) tied behind his back, he still made enough of a difference, and it is that which gives me hope. Just as much hope for the US to get itself out of trouble, as it does for me to hope that the direction of Vogue UK will start at some point in the near future to change. Hopefully sooner than later, because whilst the US faces the frightening possibility of pushing some very wrong buttons, Eddie needs to realise that he also has buttons with the potential to do very powerful things. but, until he realises that, he will also be burning some important bridges whilst building some possibly very unfortunate ones. Some with the potential to implode straight back at him with some devastating results, damaging a great many people too.
    That said, Thank You. Thank you for being honest, Thank you for holding your integrity, Thank you for showing that honour DOES count,and still exists. And most important, Thank you for teaching, and sharing with me; Long may you continue to inspire others, as a muse for so many who look to you for guidance, you are still forging ahead. And we ALL need that right now no matter who we are and where we are in the world. Your words are powerful and you are wielding them as powerful as any sword that any knight has ever had.
    You are an amazing role model and human being, I am equally proud and humbled to have met, known and been taught by you. Warmest Regards Always, ladybird XXX

  2. thks robin ...... I've updated it so check it out again and thanks as always for your support ..... you can handle and embrace the truth


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