
Friday 9 March 2018


Ok ... Hands up because this is a truth blog ..... this week's most wanted is a bit of a fraud .... this post acts as a lust list things I really want!  ok now why it's a fraud is because I have already bought it and because it's a must have so I have to wait 3 weeks for it £675 and you have to wait .... no worries .... I have so many clothes so I can wait ...  another reason why i'm a fraud with this is because I am always pushing, plugging and banging on about picking pieces from new collections that are classics and you can wear for a few seasons .... I do believe this is a seasonable piece but I'm going to wearing this and get my money's worth  a prove that stigma wrong ....

BTW I think if you are going to spend the £675/$900 on this piece go for the black one ...... #justsayin it also comes as a jumper and a sweatshirt according to the SA's in London......

BALENCIAGA Knitwear U Jacquard Logo Crewneck gBALENCIAGA Jacquard Logo Crewneck Knitwear U fBALENCIAGA Jacquard Logo Crewneck Knitwear U f

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