
Saturday 10 March 2018

Rocky Star Fall Winter 2018/2019 #LFW

Loved Loved Loved this show as always totally amazing and wearable ..... open your minds people and you will see once you break it down it's an awesome collection..... don't be lazy like some people in jobs for big publications who blagged their way to get jobs and when they style they style it as seen on the runway ..... collections are over styled on the runway for drama and then the right professionals in the audience IE row one and two break it down for magazines and you the pieces to then show the world their vision .... unfortunately it's a year after year, season after season problem the wrong people who are a friend a of a friend, influencer who only promotes themselves on the frow and row two and having that same agruement with interns ... so ..........  I went elsewhere as I don't need drama and a few other people did the same and of course you or should I say I can't find any coverage but here we go here's some coverage .....I was working with Reuters this season at LFW and I did nit deliver so no payment ...........  now that fashion month is over as usual I will home in on collections and add my opinion and two cents..... some designers I have been following for years and will always offer coverage for them  ...... And I love Rocky Star

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