
Tuesday 27 February 2018


I need this right now ....... yep I'm old and yep I have the contacts and I really like to help people but everyday I shut down just that little bit more ... last week I lost two friends who I believed were good friends ... one I gave everything to and it's a long story but they are really benefiting now I told them I was not feeling well at present and they dumped me like a hot potato for someone else and you all know I have been branded a celebrity, socialite and whatever but now because of they way the world is they went with someone soooooooo bad and you know I know lots of celebrities and supermodels etc etc ..... I like to do things proper rather than approach the celebrity/friend/acquaintance direct I go through the proper channels via their management or stylist but they couldn't wait so now they are strong enough to try and drop me .... the other one wanted me to style their sisters wedding getting free stuff, wedding dress, venue, catering etc and I said no and the abuse I got was amazing ... so this song gives me strength and let's me know everything that's happening is necessary

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