
Wednesday 16 August 2017


DUPES? fashion bloggers might know what this word means, PR's I'm guessing definitely know what it means, brands get a hall pass but with saying that their in-house PR totally know what it means but turn a blind eye but the people who definitely know what it means are .......

INFLUENCERS/MILLENNIALS the same people who brands are aiming at, the same people who actually can't afford to wear the clothing brands are aiming at them with amazing slogans such as new vision, new generation!!

PR's are getting so mean now but only working with influencers who have say over 40k followers on Instagram 50k if you want to "try" and get a press pass for London fashion week 

Now here's my disclaimer everything I own is real bought and paid for cash not even with credit cards as I don't like them.  In the 90s I had and knew many people who got themselves into serious debt trying to live that glamorous life  they are no longer around and I don't hear from them one even stopped talking to me because he said he can't keep up with me 

The new generation ie millennials are smarter but they are still getting in debt but have more designer labels than me and the latest looks

Now here's that age old question...... is everyone on Instagram rich? Or is Instagram mainly for the rich to show off their wealth ? 

I don't follow influencers on social media because it's seriously cringe when you see some of their posts 

Have you noticed pictures are taken at a distance if they are showing off their latest birkin or the main offender Gucci GG web handbags and Princeton slippers? There as been a rise in websites which most of the time you can't find but they will contact you and offer must have shoes and handbags for as little as £20/$30 


I've noticed and other people are noticing and now that said influencers are being busted they are posting now loud and proud that they are posting fake goods but what's unnerving is brands are actually liking the pictures posted because they are done in a way to trick the stupid public I Say this because people believe everything they see and read on social media and will go steal and commit crimes to go buy the real thing 

I've been researching this for months and as always I was slow but no I wasn't they beat me to it so now it's acceptable to wear fakes hence last week Kendall Jenner and that fake Louis Vuitton bum bag belt 

I'm not naming sites or telling you where to go shop because I wear the real shit but #dupes and you'll find out where to get those must have Chanel handbags for less than £30

I give you dupes our latest generation and how the fashion industry and people trying to live a life they can't afford are ruining it and brands in particular are turning the other cheek 

Below are a few examples.... no handbags because If I posted bags I would be here for a fortnight 

I'm going to be honest you see me I have a designer wardrobe and I post it.... a couple of years years ago the likes of Dolce&gabbana when I posted an outfit which was bought in their store or archives from 20 years ago when the likes of me and other upcoming editors promoted them they would put me on their timeline..... now they are liking fake products, putting it on their timeline because they are young and fit the new image they want 

Oh I'll be honest the glory days have gone... I'm classed as old and some designers who said to me that they were so grateful for me and how I back their brand won't even look at me now 

I'm not bitter far from it I'm resourceful if I like it I will buy it but not as much as before I shop mainly Italian which I always did before but the places who haven't sold out 

The last time I was in Milan I went to a party and it was a joke I left after 20 minutes and that was because I was being polite...... you had the designers who were in their mid 50s and everyone else in their mid 20s they looked uncomfortable I was uncomfortable so 

Good luck with that!!!!!

FYI you know I'm going to buy something right? I will review it and let you know the outcome .... But but but I will post it and see how many of you notice it's a fake ... just thinking of fakes makes my skin crawl!

FYI again trying to post this I'm having problems via facebook and instagram the two places of you search hard enough you can find some real good fake products ....

hell they even let fake people do sponsored posts ...

wake up people ... wake up go to work and work hard of you want to live that life I do and have being doing it for years!!!!

Fake it till you make it is a saying that's been around for years but this is on another level ... because they have the backing of public relation professionals ....

millennials dealing with millennials ..... we are doomed not only in the fashion industry but other industries around the world ... I mean look at the states at the moment.... current millennials have been taught hate and look what's happening there!

The Yeezy £12.47
Hermes £12.47

Gucci £14.00

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