
Sunday 25 June 2017


As you may have seen on my Instagram last week I popped along for the launch of Joshua Kane's new cruise collection and also the third anniversary of his central London flagship store...... 3 years having a flagship store in London is an achievement..... in the fashion industry we see shops pop up expensive refurbishments and months after they open they close.  

Joshua is a man on a mission he churning out collections that everyone wants to be seen in from Hollywood to soap stars (I still need to get a suit.. waiting for the right time to pluck the courage up to ask him to dress me)   

Joshua's Collection's are based around his style which is proving to be a winning formula as it's unique and totally different to what other brands are producing during fashion weeks around the world.... he killed it and shut Stockholm down when he showed there 

Enough of my rambling here's the look book for the cruise collection which is fronted by another friend of mine male supermodel Jimmy Q .... love all aspects of it especially the skateboards which I'm normally not a fan of 

In fashion today it's more celebrity over the actual design but Joshua has a long list of celebrities wearing or wanting to wear his clothes as it's unique, takes you back in time and something a lot of big fashion houses fail to do and I know this as I'm old and been in the game for years..... what a lot of collections fail to do is tell a story story and that's what sells a collection to buyers and the shopping public 

Joshua's collections tell you a story and some 

A man on a mission and I believe is going to get there 

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