
Saturday 10 June 2017


Deft affectations

Maudlin Northern splendour; remote Arcadia
Placement of width to convey gender and power
Manly pomp, feminine vigour
The irrelevance of gender; the relevance of sex
Prog-rock Medieval revivalism
English textile

Hourlgass gourds; elfin finery
Anna Maria Garthwaite circa 1782
Victorian monkeys frolicking in florals
Elizabethan blackwork embroidery
Plaited raffia of the Dayak tribe of Kalimantan
Shine and glitter; silk twill and Lurex jersey
The role of Wakashū in Edo-era Japan
Celadon, eau de nil, cameo
The possibilities of deflated volume and drape
Flesh, eggshell, peat
Poetry, not romance

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