
Thursday 27 April 2017


At last, at last after two weeks of it doing a outfit post I've finally done one... apologies but this was due to illness I've been fighting this bloody chest infection and cold for a couple of weeks and it turns out because I sleep with my mouth open this triggers off chest infections ....

Ok as the title says La Dolce Vita ..... Dolce being the word as my outfit is from Dolce&Gabbana  even though they are banging on about wanting millennials wearing their clothes and I'm shopping elsewhere and trying out new designers, I still always end up going back to Dolce because I've been wearing them from the 90s religiously even though this season I've only bought a few pieces as I'm not a millennials... I've top the outfit off with some beautiful jewellery (details below), my trademark Christian Louboutin shoes I have so many pairs now and only seem to wear red soles even just to walk around town, the bag is from New Globe Traveller which is an amazing brand that uses recycled materials to produce luxury bags at great prices .... included in that price is a £30 donation which believe it or. It educates a child for one year which you sponsor. You get details of the child you can communicate and get regular updates and after the year is up you get the option of continuing to sponsor the same child or another ... so it's a win win situation and you get a stunning bag!  More details and pictures of my child to follow in another post...

Shop the look or the collection here .......

Sunglasses John Varvatos (I Have so many pairs but only seem to wear these)
Shirt Dolce&gabbana (from a selection)
Trousers Dolce&gabbana (from a selection)
Watch Cartier 
love Bangle Cartier 
diamond bangle Cartier 
rings Bulgari and Graff Diamonds 

All available to buy now on relevant E sites 

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