
Tuesday 1 November 2016

MUST SEE - Leroy from the block

Leroy from the block

Im fed up im no longer going to or even trying to prove myself ... yhis little video collage shows what ive achieved through my styling, rv work as in top model and presenting, blogging, celebrity blogger and magazine editor

I've Done a lot achieved a lot got many haters along the way that report me to google, Facebook blah blah blah and I am so use to it now but still take it personal as I know it's personal 

Well I've signed me new contact and will be on top model for my fourth season i.e. Four years and it's a shame that my home town treat me like this I'm on tip sheets in London but still get asked my name etc blah, blah 

I'm done ... my ATM card works and I can pay my bills in Europe they show me so much love which enables me to live nice ...

So keep reporting and doing your best to bring me down 

I'm fine and best thing is I know who's doing it!

I haven't changed ..... other people have ...... i'm only starting on my journey if I think i've made it the haters will win .... that's why i'm always on my journey or a journey 

Sick and tired of trying to prove myself to British press, British photographers and British PR's i'm going to start enjoying my money .....

I have not really said it before because I'm not up my own ass .... but Leroy your a TV star and don't let anyone take away that shine!

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