
Monday 29 February 2016


Well here we go a day in the life of the Clotheshorse

Well I wake up in the morning answer my emails answer emails to PR that that are always reaching out to me to be featured on the diary of the clotheshorse which it's over 1 million views a month but they don't want to pay.  So after I make my way through all the shitI then go on to social media and answer message from fans and followers.  Now what you see below is an example of some of the things I get daily and have to deal with it's just another way of trying to put black people down I take in my stride now because what else can I do some people just don't like to see black people advancing that's their issue not mine why is you are having a problem with me my problem? 

Know if you all think I'm sitting here living LaVida loco this prove to you that I'm not a lot of stuff goes into what I do and a lot of hard work it doesn't just happen especially being a person of colour

Just a reminder with your friend trying to take me down PR trying to take me down and spreading false things about me guess is that happen or just some hater
Just a reminder I will not be stopped

This is me .... I'm a top model judge in Greece and Eastern Europe, I'm a successful international fashion editor, one of the big blogs in the world as said by the British fashion council, I'm a signed model and a celebrity stylist. 

This is me Leroy dawkins ... A proud nigger who does not need anyone's validation 

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