
Tuesday 8 December 2015


This well Im thankful for having a blog ... A blog that receives for than 60k views a day ... A blog that has got me places overseas .... A blog that the uk does not recognise, a blog that UK brands want to be on... Whilst paying bloggers who don't receive half the hits and views that I do... They get paid and I'm expected to do it for nothing ... A blog that has brought hate to my doorstep and my in box and the brave ones do it to my face ...

A blog that enables me to support British brands and brands around the world ...a blog that was started when blogging was just starting in the UK years after it was up and running In the USA ... Bloggers who have started years after me try to align themselves with me when that does not work bad mouth me in the UK and PR's believe them because that's how it works in the uk friends before business ... A blog that calls them out ... A blog that wonders does the brand they represent know what they are up to...

Roll on 2016 things are going to change on the diary of a Clotheshorse ... I have an idea why all this is but im not ready to say but talking to other certain bloggers its quite obvious!

Like I said ... This week I'm thankful for having a blog 

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