
Tuesday 3 November 2015


There are some bloggers out there who really work their asses off supporting brands doing freebies where it counts so they can build relationships with brands and show brand loyalty .... But do brands show loyalty back ?

Here's some of my latest stats that show where I sit and who I sit with ... Oh they are out there and it's monitored by Google so these are fact not fiction ... I'm one of those said bloggers who show brand loyalty and unfortunately I get nothing back in most cases why who knows? I'm sure there's various reasons, not pretty enough, too old, I don't kiss ass the list is endless... So I just wanted to remind people of what they get with my brand loyalty ... This doesn't include the newsletter, social media and the blog hits if I was to declare all those we would be talking major millions 

Brands just tend to go to jump on the young, pretty, rich bloggers which in my eyes is a big sin but hey who am I to judge them ... Apart from one of those hard working bloggers been held back and has millions and millions of hits! 

For the record check out these examples ... You can't argue with black or white ....

Enjoy !!

FYI I'm not bitter and applaud the bloggers who get places but I'm appalled at the brands who don't do their homework.... 

These hits below are from brands who are current and keep their social media up to date (and I'm still wiping the floor with them) 

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