
Thursday 30 July 2015


Ok so today Going To start really Opening up and makings diary which I post so much in for Styling purposes just what you would do with a manual journal keep notes ... It's just mine is in a blog form ... 

I can't believe it's taken 5 years to actually say yep going to share aw
Of my inner thoughts and how my day went and all some truthfully 

So here we go ... Today was quite a relaxing day chasing up invoices ... The usual with people Saying they've paid money into my account and they haven't one of the perils of being a freelancer ... After all That drama I put on a Saint Laurent outfit I don't have a picture as I had no one to take it hence why there has been a lack of outfit posts recently Then off I went to the look again x Stacey Solomon party ...

For those of you who don't know Stacey she's a singer from X factor UK who's managed to forge herself a TV career ... So I pop along to see her new collection had a drink and whilst doing so watch as an unwanted guest who gatecrashed get ejected from the party ... Only problem he was talking to me at the time and with security giving me the evils and trying to determine if it was me I thought I would make a sharp exit ... They apologised but now enough to give me a goody bag 

Off I went to the Superdry x elite models party I got papped outside and inside but left before the show started as I had to be home to meet someone ok yes a booty call so I will give you the lowdown on the event tomorrow 

Final Thought ... Tonight was a perfect example as to why I don't go out much in London anymore the hassle is just not worth it that and the fact to don't get invited to a lot of stuff like I use to because people bad mouth me #ohWell

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