
Saturday 25 July 2015


mage via

For aw 15 menswear there are so many trends flying around you might have seen the pink trend which I posted yesterday ... So today I'm posting. The 1970s as seen here at Gucci who have no really gotten away from this trend for years the normally follow the playboy look which Tom Ford kind of introduced when he was creative director and like they say if it isn't broken why fix it? This season they romanticised the look and added lace pussy bows the obligatory flares and fur 

It took a while for me to get used to the look until I realised my wardrobe is full of Gucci from back in the day which is still relevant till this day. 

Let me know what your thoughts are in this trend ... The comment box is all yours ...

Bryan Boy embracing the trend wearing Louis Vuitton and Prada 

Image from BryanBoycom on Instagram 

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