
Sunday 26 July 2015


Image via the telegraph 

The boiler suit ...... Hot trend for the winter as seen as Margaret Howell, MOSCHINO and Topman but all in their own unique way ... The boiler suit better known as the jumpsuit or mechanic's overall, a bug trend in the 80s I know I was there and it wasn't that good then ... I remember the likes of George Michael wearing one and soul boys as they were called wearing them but it still was not a big trend.  In 2012 it reared its head again and was seen at shows such as YMC but it still wasn't a big trend ... You get where  going? Now for AW 15 it's a big trend with the likes of moschino, Margaret Howell and Topman showing the trend maybe it could be third time lucky ... 

What are your thoughts??? Is there a place in today's world for the boiler suit or should we leave it back in the 80s

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