
Thursday 14 May 2015


This week's most wanted is from T M Lewin and i'm in total awwww ... the people spoke and they responded... once known for a certain customer, T.M Lewin have responded and have made clothes and revamped their collections which are now ideal for any age demographic...

A couple of seasons ago they introduced their infamous skinny suit I saw it when it first came out and totally loved it... then I found out it contained polyester which i'm sure many of you like myself are not fans of ....I can honestly tell you the skinny suit was a new venture for Lewin and they went in cautiously ..... fast forward a couple of seasons they skinny suit is a huge success and fast becoming the great starter suit for that young guy who needs a suit for the prom, his first job or just wants to buy into the brand

Now the good news ... I say that but its been good news all along with this suit ... T.M. Lewin have answered that polyester question and now give us the skinny suit in Merino wool !! yayyyy!!!

Merino wool is always the best when buying a suit as this tyoe of wool keeps you cool in the summertime and warm in the winter so its a win win

Check out the Skinny suit pictured below and be sure to keep an eye out for the AW 15 which I viewed today in London which will blow your mind ... seriously it will!

The Skinny suits can be viewed HERE prices start at £149,00

Porter Black Wool 1-Button Skinny Suit, , portraitBradley Navy Wool 1-Button Skinny Suit, , portraitLedger Charcoal 1-Button Skinny Suit, , portrait

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