
Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Broadway Market support MYMP 2015 with the backing of Katharine Hamnett

Saturday 11th April saw iconic fashion designer and campaigner Katharine Hamnettt at Broadway Market in her home borough of Hackney rallying the crowds with the support of the market Traders for the My MP 2015 campaign. Katharine arranged for the local stores and Broadway Market traders to wear the LEADERS SUCK t-shirt designed by Katharine for the cause and help to drive the general public to sign up to the new app. 

Broadway Market on Saturdays is a kaleidoscope of tastes and cultures: stalls, shops, pubs, restaurants and cafes offering some of the best food and most original clothing in London all crammed into a little East End street between the Regent’s Canal and London Fields.

The My MP Campaign:
"If you want MP's to actually represent you, tell them by signing our petition. The petition asks candidates in the upcoming election to sign our democratic pledge. Once a candidate signs the pledge they are committed to giving people power should they win at the election."

"To get MPs to sign a pledge to vote with their constituents and defy party whips if necessary", Katharine Hamnett 

For more details head to the My MP website, or watch this video.

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