
Friday 17 April 2015


Just a heads up for new bloggers ....... it's now acceptable for bloggers to take covers ..... when I was doing mine the deal was I must have the cover as I wanted to be the first ..... Im May June..... 

Chiara ferragni  is the first blogger on Vogue but everyone is saying she is the first blogger to get a cover ..... bad new Chiara it was actually Jim Chapman he was April on Candid im may/june.... on a Russian Publication which I dont know what it says but i'll be honest it was good money and a cover..... so Chiara I will give you first on Vogue but second blogger on a cover ... i will take third only because ... your publication beats mime but see you next round

Im not always right if im wrong about who was on first or even of a blogger was on a cover of some obscure magazine please let me know as I would like to feature..... why? because only big bloggers get press .. i think I dont get enough but someone was there first they deserve the credit .... BTW there was no big fanfare for my cover like these two had ... wonder why ... i know but not saying.... same reason they want me to stand a LFW when I use to sit front row ..... I'll just leave that there and ir's up to you how you want to read into it!

I've achieved just as much as these guys and i applaud them ... im Top Model, Fashion TV, Fashot TV. in numerous big named publications. celebrity blogger, celebrity stylist, all of these landed in my in box and a lot more than so call style bloggers ..... Have you noticed im doing a lot more outfit posts? it just means I doing what the apparent top bloggers are doing I have all the names in my wardrobe ......

still a nothing in my home country but celebrity in eastern europe, greece and now apparently America .... they are dying for me to make a visit

i'll just leave that there like a certain party I was told I would have to gp on the waiting list for ..... but blogger who have not supported them and put in the work are emailing me doing the norm the asl if im going ... they do that when they get a good invite... i get good invites all the time ....

i'll just leave that there and sign off ... honestly not bitter ... but credit where it's due!

oh so what of I dont know Russian and what my mag is called ... its a cover!

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