
Tuesday 21 April 2015

Bench #LOVEMYHOOD competition is now live!

competition is now live!

Bench are offering consumers the chance to win an incredible prize package which includes 2 x VIP festival tickets, flights to Spain for 2 people, £500 spending money and a years supply of Bench hoodies.

Since their first collection 25 years ago, Bench have transformed the hoodie from a functional garment into a performance icon of 24 hour city living- taking ownership of the classic silhouette and showcasing it as the cornerstone of every collection since.

Entrants must share their favourite ’hood’ stories, offering an insight into unique city culture or street styles. City residents are asked to capture a moment that defines their neighbourhood and city look, uploading to their favourite social media platform using the hashtag #LoveMyHood and tagging @benchoriginal on Instagram and @Bench_Clothing on Twitter.

The competition is now live on www.lovemyhood.meand closes on May 31st. Winners will be contacted directly on June 4th and announced to the police on June 8th.

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