
Friday 23 January 2015


I love a good show with gimmicks and I also love watching the Rick Owens show in Paris .. although I was in Paris I did not get an invite and I thought nothing of it but I wish I was there to witness this .... 

Ricks clothing some of its not my style and the rest I can incorporate to my basic looks and the last piece I can take it or leave it

I'm surprised this was not really covered .... the penis cape! yes penis cape .... Ive been checking it out online and everyone seems to be turning a blind eye at it maybe not to give negative press which I feel it is not because its the collection ... these pieces have already earned the nickname Penis capes and you know me the Diary of a Clotheshorse like to bring you exclusive ... if you check out the pictures below you will see just that penis!  Rick sent the models down the runway with balls swinging.... I know its the styling for the show but is this fashion? I think it is but I'm concerned no one is mentioning it on social media or in reviews ... I held back on my review just to see but then the better got the best of me and I felt I had to mention it and plus what have i got to lose? like I said at the start of this I didn't get a ticket for the show even though I was in Paris and I didn't even show up just in case they can squeeze me in which is normal practice ....

what are your thoughts?? this I would love to hear... and do you think mags only cover what they want you to see but in the long term just thinking about themselves? 

please let me know via twitter @clotheshorse90, Instgram @clothshorse90, facebook Diary of a clotheshorse, or just use the comment box below 

for more ive just discovered there is a hashtag #freethepenis 

following pictures contain nudity ....

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