
Monday 1 December 2014


This weeks features include the now Infamous post on how to gain millions of site hits in seconds the prince Cassius way which is to lie and put a clock on your blog which is not google certified and one you can change to whatever you want and PR's are none the wiser because they dont do their checks properly and agents are worse as they sign fraudulent people and put them on their books .... After I posted it the clock disappeared as he has something to hide and today I noticed it's back maybe he thinks the heat is off him ... Seriously???  ... Also  The seven dials shopping event, the la Maison remy Martin launch, Adriana Lima for Versace and lots more check out the blog ! 

Whoever reads this especially agents ..wink wink ... Your client is trying to take me down as I'm doing better than him ... But a heads up I have more juicy stuff ... Maybe if you contact me and I tell you privately you will probably tell your client to back up as it would be best ..

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