
Sunday 21 December 2014

Canali presents its 200 Steps series with renowned Master Chocolatier, Guido Gobino

The icon of the latest episode of our 200 Steps series, live on December 17th, is the world renowned Master Chocolatier, Guido Gobino.


The Turin-born Gobino has been surrounded by the aromas and flavors of cocoa ever since childhood, succeeding in making them his own and exceeding all expectations. He has always been able to strike the perfect balance between tradition and modernity, showing respect for age-old recipes from his hometown and an innate creativity that has brought him a number of recognitions including “Ambassador of Turin” in 2006, various awards from the London Academy of Chocolate including “world’s best praline” in 2008 and the “Golden Tablet” for various categories.


In his 200 Steps interview, Gobino reveals the details of his creative process, describing how all five senses are involved in both the creation and the tasting of a piece of chocolate.


You are invited to view the video here.

Please note the interview and word association videos are available for download.


About 200 Steps: 200 Steps is a project at the core of in which every month, a refined male icon who embodies the brand’s style, reveals the secrets to his craft and the steps behind his creative process. In the creation of any masterpiece, it’s the little things that matter, from a sketch to the thousands of tiny stitches in the fabric of a Canali suit. Unique videos featuring an interview and an exercise in word association unveil hidden secrets, creating a truly personal portrayal of each subject

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