
Friday 21 November 2014


The unveiling of the Bench #lovemyhood global Campaign

This year so far and hopefully will continue for years to see me rise and shine and continue to do what I love best Blogging .... Anyone can blog but it takes a special person to be a professional blogger and actually make money doing so and believe it or not contrary to what you see on Instagram from
Bloggers ie I'm doing this im doing that blah blah ... Not a lot of money exchanges from hand to hand.  

This year has seen me in campaigns, on tv and styling crazy whilst still holding down a part time job which I like to call my rainy day job so there's always money coming in if invoices don't get paid on time or if there's no work around because technically I'm

My double spread in black beauty and Hair magazine 

Now for the art of letting go part .. Whilst doing this you have friends who follow on your journey your there cheerleader and they are yours but recently the streets have been talking and I'm hearing really bad things but my deal is to work not to make friends with PR's so they become
Friends rather than business associates ... When your in business you have to differentiate the difference even though this is the normal practice in London friends rather than business but let's see how far you get with that  ... I now don't have an agent because of this but that's life no one is going to steal my shine because they are plateauing and I'm not .... And even more childish telling other bloggers not to talk to me ... #ouch


So now it's time to breathe and let go without feeling guilty and hope that they will get bored of spreading rumours about me well in London ... In life your journey is not a straight road in business it's much the same but recently it's getting a little bit more cut throat so on that note I'm riding solo and I think that's best when you look at some of the best bloggers Bryan Boy, Susie Bubble they travel alone and I always use to think mmmm... Loner but now I think smart 

Snapped with friend Rosie Fortescue 

I know many bloggers out there who doctor their blog clock to make it look as though they are top dog and technically they can't muscle up a thousand views a week and then get upset with you because your getting the hits and doing it the right way and they then resort to underhand tactics but get away it because they are friends with PR's who In turn are not doing their jobs correctly and allowing it to happen ... What will the brand you are looking after think about this?  You invite friends to an event or do free work for publicity and then send out press releases to bloggers such as myself sometimes begging to be featured because you haven't  drummed up enough publicity or views because your friends blog is not big enough to get the hits or publicity to satisfy your client ...

Out with kate moss

For me I'm stepping away from it ...letting go ... Walking away from the drama of it ... I'm just doing me and continue to do what I do ON MY OWN! but be warned any blogger that comes for me unannounced I will expose them ... That's not a threat it's a promise because these bloggers are spoiling what should be a career for some and a fun hobby for others ....

Photoshoot for a European publication 

THE ART OF LETTING GO ... Get it out your system let them know you know ... Move on and do your thing ....

Ps - if you want to know which so call blogger doctors their blog and speak a lot of verbal nonsense to fool You call drop me an email. 

Now breathe and let it go...... Plus I don't need so call friends to wish me luck and follow me on my journey ... That's what I have jesus for ...

Blogger master class at blogstock 

On the judging panel ....

Teaching a blogger master class in Europe to Russian and Ukrainian students 

Awarding Diplomas at fashion marine fest 2014 

Rumour on the streets is I'm jealous of a certain blogger ....  I cannot see why ... Can you??? 

now for the vocal stylings of Mariah Carey ... who sings about the art of letting go ... take it away mariah!

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