
Monday 27 October 2014

The Floacist Presents...FLO 4th NOV @ Juno Bar

"FLO has been in my spirit for a few years now. I have known that I must manifest a space within which many can come and share" The Floacist. 

Graduating from the BRIT school in 1997, spoken word aligned Natalie 'The Floacist' Stewart's passion, training and studies in writing and performance. As a founding member of the poetry collective 3 + 1 Natalie took to the open mic stages of the London poetry scene in 1998. It was upon these stages that Natalie grew as a performance poet and eventually created the group Floetry.

The Floacist never turned her back on her performance poetry roots, doing quite the opposite by refusing to be labelled as a rapper; she made it clear she was a poet first, and always.  After selling close to two million albums world wide, the Floacist returned home as a solo artist with the desire to create a space within which creative people can be inspired. "I stepped onto my first open mic stage when I was 19 years old and knew that I had arrived home. I felt the vortex open then, and I've been within it ever since. It is only right that I share with my fellow poets" and so FLO was born...

 FLO is all word. No instrumentation. No backing tracks.

The purpose of this night is to provide a platform to express the uncensored and uninterrupted continual flow of consciousness, our natural state of being.

 "I wanted to create something different, a poetry night that has the fluidity of our thought patterns: uninterrupted and consistently flowing. So I decided to remove the 'hosting' aspect between the poets, hence creating more room for the word!" The Floacist.

FLO celebrates both the art of the spoken word - evocation, performance and delivery, as well as the inspirational art of observation and listening. The rules are simple, each poet states their name to begin performs their piece (one per poet) and states their name to end.

All poets are advised to bring their merchandise, which they will have the freedom to sell once the vortexes close. FLO is a great opportunity to network and make connections. FLO will be what we make it.


Juno Bar 134-135 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6JE

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