
Thursday 8 May 2014

Sam Faiers looking gorgeous in a bubble dress for Surf

Reality star Sam Faiers proves she’s a real ‘soap’ star as she models the Surf Bubble Dress, a unique one-off creation made entirely from bubbles to help brighten up the daily washing load; read more about Surf at    


Sam Faiers lives up to her bubbly nature, modelling a dress made entirely from bubbles! Dress inspired by new research from laundry brand Surf, which shows how bubbles make us smile


 Sam Faiers is going from reality star to soap star as she models a dress made entirely from bubbles. The fabulous frock made of soap suds had two gorgeous looks – a long red carpet dress and a bright, fun, short design. The unique one-off creation was made by laundry brand Surf to help brighten up the day.


The idea for the dress is inspired by new research[1] which shows that it’s the little things in life that put a spring in the nation’s step. Four million[2] of us agree bubbles raise a smile, with rainbows (48%), open green space (33%) and wearing fresh clothes (13%) also being listed as the little things which make a difference to the day. In response, Surf and Sam have teamed up to celebrate the nation’s evident love of all things bubbly and bright, with the Surf Bubble Dress.


The research also goes on to show that for 33% of people bubbles bring back childhood memories, for 31% they love the way bubbles look and for 13%, bubbles add a little lift to their day.


The Surf Bubble Dress as worn by Sam is made from thousands of foam bubbles, and was designed by celebrity fashion house Studio XO in their fashion laboratory. The dress was three weeks in back-to-back development – ending in a jaw droppingly beautiful design that looks at home on any red carpet. Sam says “The Surf Bubble Dress is such fun to wear and I loved being on the shoot – it was certainly a unique experience, with three women placing tiny bubbles directly onto my skin to create the final, fabulous effect!”


Surf Brand Manager Katy Holder says: “Working with Sam is fantastic – her bubbly nature and fashion prowess in tandem with the nation’s love of bubbles has made for an enjoyable, and slightly cheeky, result. The Surf Bubble Dress is unique and guaranteed to put a smile on your face… I love it!”


To see Sam in the Surf Bubble Dress and for more details on the campaign,


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