
Wednesday 11 December 2013


Can you see a likeness?? Does she look like someone you see in the press all the time?

This is Louise Adams ... Victoria Beckham's sister I first met her and  Victoria back in 1997 before she married David .. We had something in common ... And you will never guess what it is ...

Back I'm the day I was filthy .. Had lots of cheese and I had the same stylist and personal,ahopper as Victoria and her sister at Gucci... I use to keep up to her but hem she became a superstar as we know .. I didn't boo Hoo... So it was great bumping into Louise last night who surprising said she remembered me from way back ... Why ? Because on my first meeting which was before camera phones the only way I could keepsake the moment was to get an autograph ... But we did it differently Victoria sign £20 note right across the face of the queen which years ago would be classed as treason but now it's framed and at my mothers house and increasing its value everyday 

Love it! Especially now as These young guys treat my like I'm a nobody blogger and don't realise I have been in fashion when they were still in prep school ... No respect for elderly black folk right?? 

Take that Huffington post and another magazine I wont name at the moment  but will do if they keep up their nonsense 

There you go you've learnt some thing new about me today ... Now I'm not as rich but living a cool life! 

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