
Wednesday 25 September 2013


It's been another season full of twists and turns from America's hit series Breaking Bad but to celebrate the finale in true Breaking Bad style BoxPark will be streaming the highly anticipated final episode LIVE from Monday 8pm on September 30

There's a host of treats for die hard fans who'll be going cold turkey. To help ease the pain BoxPark are inviting you to come and join at BOXPARK upstairs decking area with roof top and heating you'll feel right at home and if a wide screen TV isn't enough to entice you this is the perfect oportunity to not only enjoy the finale in style but also join with other eager fans, and of course share your anticipation for what is sure to be a cliff hanger. Surrounded by some of the finest dinning with options,  La Catrina Mexican Burritos are offering a special 'Los Pollos Hermanos' spicy fried chicken burrito, along with free blue 'crystal meth' candy to help you through till you get your next fix and of course. If Mexican is not your cup of tea there's many other options from fish and chips to rice and pea's or why not just grab a beer all conveniently located no more than 20 meters away from you.

If you really want to get immersed in the Breaking Bad finale why not take part in BOXPARK's Facebookcompetition for a chance to win ........... all you have to do is predict the ending to the Breaking Bad finale, not bad hey? Why not get your friends to join and and see who makes the closest predication and we'll see you on September 30th for the Breaking Bad finale.

A Date For Your Diary… Homeland Episode Screenings

If your a fan of Homeland you might want to put this date in your diary, October 7th Boxpark will be airing the first series of the next season of Homeland, make sure you don't miss the live streaming from8pm.

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