
Monday 9 September 2013

Art Wednesday launches Marketplace

Arts and fashion website, Art Wednesday has launched an e-commerce marketplace to elevate, champion and nurture emerging talent from fashion, art and music.

With investment in new designers collections decreasing within the wholesale format, artworks being confined to a small audience if they are able to be exhibited and musicians taking to youtube or free downloads, Art Wednesday recognised a gap in the market to sell direct to the consumer via a community driven portal.

Founder and Editor In Chief of Art Wednesday, Max Bergius commented “Art Wednesday’s audience is one that relates to the creative industries extremely well, they’re savvy and they look to champion new and interesting talent, so a “Marketplace” seemed a logical direction to take because we were championing all this mega talent with our editorial therefore let people buy it. For small brands, creatives and artists the cost to build an e-commerce platform is not cheap, then there is the challenge to drive traffic to the site, which is harder than people think. We have built up a fantastic brand recognised globally with a huge following so the benefits make a lot of sense to a young business to either increase their reach or set up shop on the site for free.”

Following the ‘drop-ship’ mechanic whereby brands and artists fulfill their orders and manage their own inventory - the most cost effective way to sell online, it means that no existing web shop is needed to join Art Wednesday. The only requirement is quality products made by the designers and artists that are then vetted by the team at Art Wednesday.

Exciting designer names to note are; Katie Eary, Atalanta Weller, Auria London and Silken Favours all of which will be selling a curated mix of current a previous seasons alongside limited edition pieces.

What people are saying:

“A little bit sexy, a little bit dorky and annoyingly cool.” Quentin Jones

“My Wednesdays used to be so empty. Vacuous. Meaningless. Atheist almost. Lost half way between sabbath or sundays. And then I found Art. Art Wednesday!!” Lily Cole 

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