
Saturday 17 August 2013


This week I popped along to the Swatch Urban expression launch which I've already written about so check that out ... If you haven't read it here's a quick heads up Urban Expression sees Swatch revel in street culture, big lights and the rhythms and noise from cities around the world in the latest  autumn/winter collection   

I was fortunate on the night to use the Swatch Vending machine which didn't dispense chocolates or drinks but that it did was pieces from the said collection.  The watch I got (pictured below) has the number 27 boldly on its face and its one of the highlights of the collection and entitles generation 27, which nods to the popular notion of the 27 hour day variously said to be the number of hours  it takes a man to do what a woman accomplishes in 24. ...... Or the extra long day a woman creates by dong several things at once... Urban legend also has it that 27 is in fact a reference to the exclusive "27 Club" whose membership is apparently limited to musicians who have dies at the age of 27, among them Jimi Hendricks, Brian Jones, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse ....

The collection is now available in store and online at SWATCH.COM


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