
Saturday 29 June 2013


I'm sure alot of yourselves who get the newsletter daily, visit daily or read whenever you can have noticed recently my one man campaign called "What about Solange?" she's a star in her own right but I think she should be alot bigger .... superstar status and more ... I Love the whole family I mean look at what they have all achieved ... I tell you Beyonce and Solange have cheered me up to no end with their music when I'm down...

So tight now I'm having the biggest girl crush on Solange ... she is just amazing ... a dancer, a dj, a singer, a sister, actress, mother, style icon ... do I need to go on?  in the style stakes she never ever ever gets it wrong she has her own unique style that I love so much and as a stylist she would be my dream client as she like to play and be playful with fashion .... most of us strip back runway looks when we are styling clients but this girl vamps it up ... never mind double print clashes, she goes for triple and it looks amazing! Just once, Just once I tell I would love to style her and for free and would be at her beckon call...

Now let's talk hair ... does every style out there suit her? erm YES! but its the afro and my personal favourite  ... the cropped hairstyle ...

DJ ... she is one of the hottest ones around I was  fortunate to attend a party she was DJ'ing at and OMG! she's hot!

Now let's take her music ... she is if I be honest not a strong singer like sister but her songs have substance, meaning and will have you singing along...  just like this track ... losing you ...

So there we have it ... and no I'm not a stalker ... my experience with Solange is a good one ... I did a last minute trip to Milan a year or so ago ... did do my hair and did not have special clothes I mean after all i was attending a Dolce&Gabbana party which are legendary and commands the elite as guests .. ok im rambling ... so I was at the party and guess who walks in? Solange! we took a picture had a chat and I was hooked.... the picture is on my blog Im trying to find it but I cant as I didn't tag the post and as you know the site is live and is updated with news instantly so lots of posts (sad face) but when i do find it I will post it ...

for now enjoy my favourite track from Solange well one of them as I like all her songs .. and enjoy my collage of pictures which I sourced from the net so apologies for nicking!

SOLANGE I SALUTE YOU!!! .... am I a stalker? Im not just so proud of this girl and in Awwwww!!

With her mother Tina Knowles .. who must be the proudest mother on this planet ..

With her beyond superstar sister who needs no introduction... ok BEYONCE! #screeeaaaammm

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