
Sunday 26 May 2013


Recently I was invited to the fabulous Bicester Village by the British Fashion Council, Starworks Group and Bicester Village to talk future vintage.  It was a sort of exhibition that we could buy garments from the likes of Henry Holland, Holly Fulton and a host of other designers from a collection that was curated by the ultimate fashionista Yasmin Sewell.  So now Ive been keeping my eye out for pieces I think that can fall into the category ... here's my first from Sass and Bide...

Firstly this outfit I have chosen has no age demographic .. I can see some skinny New York seventy something socialite wearing this and I can also see a young bright fashionista, actress or socialite in it also ...

check it out and let me know your thoughts..... Palazzo pants never go out even when the front row fashionistas like myself #Screeeaaammm have moved on to the next best thing and the body ie top for those who don't know that 80s terminology is timeless....

These pieces are available from NETAPORTER.COM and are investment pieces ie future vintage...

stay tuned for more on my take on "future vintage"

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